JW Doodles

Why dogs make horrible Roomates

They are as cute as they seem!
  1. They never clean up after themselves. You come home to find your socks, shoes and sometimes even underwear chewed to bits.
  2. They’re always barking at the mailman, the delivery guy, and even the occasional squirrel.
  3. They insist on sleeping on the bed, taking up more than their fair share of space.
  4. They’re always leaving their hair everywhere, and it’s not like you can vacuum it up.
  5. They think it’s appropriate to bring dead animals to the house as a gift.
  6. They can’t do the dishes or make their own meals, yet they always expect to be fed.
  7. They’re always shedding, which means you’re constantly covered in dog hair.
  8. They’re always stealing the covers, no matter how cold it is.

But let’s be real, despite all of these flaws, we can’t help but love them. They’re always there to greet us with tail wags and slobbery kisses. They’re always down for a good belly rub and a game of fetch. They’re always there to protect us, even if it’s just from the vacuum cleaner. So, in the end, we forgive them for all their imperfections because they are truly man’s (or woman’s) best friend.”